The SND30: Are we on Track to Achieve it?


Cameroon’s National Development Strategy (SND30), launched in 2020, aims to transform the country into an emerging nation by 2035. Halfway through this ambitious initiative, it is crucial to assess the progress made, the impact of projects on socio-economic development, and the persistent challenges hampering this transformation. Notable advances in infrastructure, education, and access to essential services testify to a strong commitment to improving living conditions for Cameroonians. However, gaps remain, notably in economic diversification and regional inequalities, requiring sustained attention to ensure that the objectives of the SND30 are fully achieved. This brief analyzes the achievements, challenges, and some recommendations to stimulate emergence by 2035.

1. Progress Made in Implementing the NDS30

Implementation of Cameroon’s National Development Strategy (NDS30) has enabled significant progress in several key sectors, including agriculture, infrastructure, water and energy, health, education,, and the private sector.

Agriculture: The Agricultural Sector recorded an estimated growth of 4.1% between 2020 and 2021 with a favorable dynamic for agro-industry. Initiatives such as access to improved seeds and mechanization have been implemented to boost productivity Modernization of the sector is essential for reducing rural poverty, and has led to a significant increase in exports of products such as rubber and cocoa.

Infrastructure: Infrastructure has benefited from increased investment, aimed at improving transport and communication networks. Rural roads were built or rehabilitated to facilitate access to markets, while by 2023, Cameroon had asphalted and rehabilitated 700 km of roads, marking a significant step forward in the improvement of its road network. This project is part of the National Development Strategy (SND30), which aims to strengthen the country’s infrastructure. Despite this, some 3,600 km of roads still need to be asphalted to meet the targets set for 2030.

Water and Energy: Drinking water production capacity: Installed capacity reached 6656,089 m³ per day, improving access to drinking water for the population. The rate of access to drinking water passed the 80% mark, up from 61% in 2014. In the energy sector, electrical capacity was increased to 1,720 MW, with a focus on renewable energies. In the water sector, drinking water production reached 656,089 m³ per day, increasing access to water for the population.

Plan Choc pour l’Emploi des Jeunes (2019-2021): This plan aims to improve the employability of young people through vocational training programs, back-to-school programs, and support for entrepreneurship. It includes the creation of a career guidance network and initiatives to bridge the digital divide. Self-employment projects: Various projects have been designed to promote self-employment and socio-professional integration, mobilizing nearly 11.47 billion FCFA and creating around 13,000 permanent jobs.

Education: As part of the implementation of the NDS30, Cameroon has made significant progress in the education sector. By 2023, the primary school enrolment rate had reached 95%, while the completion rate had risen to 75%. The transition rate from primary to secondary school remained stable at 70%. In addition, efforts were made to improve access to inclusive education, with particular attention paid to priority education zones. The updated education sector strategy aims to ensure equitable access to education for all children, especially the most vulnerable.

2. The Impact of Projects on Development

2.1. Impact of Infrastructure on Local Development (employment and poverty)

The implementation of the SND30, with its focus on infrastructure development, has contributed to job creation and poverty reduction at the local level. Public investment projects, such as the construction of roads, bridges, and energy facilities, have generated numerous job opportunities, particularly in the building and civil engineering (BTP) sector. The Nachtigal hydroelectric dam project, for example, employed over 3,000 people during its construction phase, employed over 3,000 people during its construction phase. It has enabled SMEs and industries to set up in rural areas. The construction of the Yaoundé-Douala freeway has generated thousands of direct and indirect jobs in the building and public works sector. This dynamic has improved household incomes and stimulated the local economy. These advances are in line with the SND30 objectives of promoting full and decent employment and reducing poverty to a socially tolerable residual level.

2.2. Implications for the Private Sector (Competitiveness & Productivity)

The SND30 aims to strengthen the competitiveness and productivity of the private sector. The development of road infrastructure, such as the extension of the freeway network, facilitates the transport of goods, thus reducing logistics costs for businesses. In addition, improved access to energy, notably through hydroelectric projects, ensures a more reliable power supply, essential for the optimal operation of industries. These initiatives help to create an environment conducive to investment and innovation, enabling Cameroonian companies to better compete in regional and international markets. SND30 focuses on the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and youth entrepreneurship in urban areas (Ndouyou-moulio, 2024), thus promoting economic diversification and job creation.

3. Persistent Challenges: Economic Transformation Falls Short of Expectations

3.1. Slow Economic Diversification

Cameroon remains heavily dependent on the primary sector, notably agriculture and natural resources. This sector employs around 61% of the working population, but contributes only 21% of GDP, reflecting relatively low productivity. Recent economic growth, forecast at 3.8% in 2023, has been mainly driven by traditional sectors such as forestry and services, indicating limited diversification. This slow pace of diversification is exacerbated by the under-utilization of human capital. The mismatch between education, healthcare, and labor market needs limits the country’s ability to fully exploit its human potential, thus hampering innovation and growth in emerging sectors.

3.2. High Poverty Rates and Regional Inequalities

In 2022, around 37.7% of Cameroon’s population lived below the poverty line, i.e., almost 10.1 million people out of an estimated population of 26.7 million (INS, 2024). With the poverty line set at 813 FCFA per day, this means that these individuals survive on less than 24,724 FCFA per month. Regional disparities are marked. The Far North, North-West, and North regions have the highest poverty rates, while Yaoundé, Douala, the South, Centre, and Littoral have levels below 30.8%, the target set by the SND30 (INS, 2024). These regional inequalities can be explained by factors such as limited access to infrastructure, basic services, and economic opportunities in the hardest-hit areas. This situation compromises the SND30 objective of reducing the poverty rate to 30.8% by 2030.

3.3. Lack of Coherent Implementation

The success of the SND30 depends on effective coordination between the various players and harmonization of the actions undertaken. However, inconsistencies have been noted, including insufficient coordination of interventions in the field and increasingly tied aid, hampering the effectiveness of initiatives (MINEPAT, 2024). In addition, the need for constant attention to maintaining coherence between planning and operational implementation of the NDS30 has been emphasized to ensure effective and efficient results (MINEPAT, 2024).

3.4. Impact of External and Internal Crises

Cameroon is facing multiple crises that are hampering the implementation of the SND30 (Reliefweb, 2024). Security tensions in certain regions disrupt economic activities and the collection of essential data, thus compromising project planning and evaluation. In addition, the global economic crises, exacerbated by factors such as the COVID-19 pandemic, and the Russian-Ukrainian war, have led to a reduction in resources allocated to key sectors, notably statistics, due to the crowding-out effects of spending on security and the fight against the pandemic, for example. These combined crises are slowing progress toward the goals set by the SND30, requiring greater adaptation and resilience measures to keep us on course for economic emergence.

Policy recommendations

  • To improve the implementation of NDS 30, quantitative indicators need to be implemented and reviewed annually to ensure that projects are being carried out properly. This will enable decision-makers to report more effectively to civil society.
  • Cameroon should spend at least 6% of its GDP on the health sector.
  • To encourage greater dissemination to the population, NGOs and associations should be more closely involved in implementing the NDS30.
  • Digitization of tax procedures, removal of administrative bottlenecks and regular progress updates are indispensable to achieving the objectives set in the NDS30.


The implementation of the NDS30 has enabled significant progress to be made in several strategic sectors, notably infrastructure, energy, education, and agriculture. This progress reflects a commitment to improving living conditions and economic transformation. However, significant challenges remain, such as the slow pace of economic diversification, regional inequalities, and multiple crises. These obstacles limit the strategy’s overall impact on sustainable development and emergence. To ensure the success of the SND30 and achieve the goals set by 2030, greater efforts are needed to strengthen policy coherence, improve governance,e and prioritize investments in sectors with high potential for inclusive growth. A concerted and resilient approach therefore remains essential to fully realize Cameroon’s ambitions for emergence.

Reference Lists

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2. (2023). Perspectives économiques au Cameroun. African Development Bank.,foresti%C3%A8re%20et%20au%20dynamisme%20du%20secteur%20des%20services.

3. BAD, (2023). Perspectives économiques au Cameroun.,foresti%C3%A8re%20et%20au%20dynamisme%20du%20secteur%20des%20services.

4. Bilo’o, J. (2024). SND30 : La stratégie actualisée de l’éducation et de la formation validée.

5. Comité National de Suivi-Evaluation de la mise en œuvre de la SND30. (2024). Stratégie du secteur éducation-formation 2023-2030, Ministère de l’Economie, de la Planification et de l’Aménagement du territoire

6. Direction de l’Emploi des Jeunes. (2023). Plan stratégique national pour l’emploi des jeunes (PSNEJ) : orientations stratégiques, ministère du développement a la base, de l’artisanat, de la jeunesse et de l’emploi des jeunes.

7. INS, (2024). Résultats de la 5ème Enquête Camerounaise Auprès des Ménages (ECAM5).

8. Mengue, S. (2024). Quels sont les problèmes de l’économie du Cameroun ? Lebleparle.

9. MINEPAT, (2024). Mise en œuvre de la SND30 : Plus d’efforts à fournir.

10. MINEPAT. (2022). SND30 : le Secteur Rural au scanner, MINEPAT,

11. MINEPAT. (2023). Stratégie Nationale de Développement 2020 – 2030. MINEPAT,

12. Ndouyou-moulio, J. (2024). Industrie : Le poids lourd de l’économie camerounaise.

13. Reliefweb. (2024). Cameroun : Rapport de situation, 07 février 2024.,des%20faiblesses%20structurelles%20de%20d%C3%A9veloppement%20et%20d%27autres%20vuln%C3%A9rabilit%C3%A9s.

14. SND30. (2024). INDUSTRIE Le poids lourd de l’économie camerounaise.


Dang Attouh

Research Fellow


Haiwang Djamo

Research Analyst


Henri Kouam

Executive Director & Funder

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